Campus Martius Museum's Annual Civil War Field Day
Since 2012, the Friends of the Museums have invited middle schools from through out Washington County, Ohio, and Wood County, West Virginia to bring 8th grade students to the Campus Martius and Ohio River Museums on the first Tuesday of May for Civil War Field Day. Glenna Hoff, Education and Program Director at Campus Martius Museum, explains, "State Education Standards determine that the pre-Civil War, Civil War, and Reconstruction periods are included in 8th grade curriculums.

Norman Pape, Marietta OH

Jane Young

2013 Field Day

Norman Pape, Marietta OH
In high school, American History curriculum begin at the conclusion of the Reconstruction era in 1877 and continue to the present". Thus, Civil War Field Day, featuring living history portrayals and hands-on, interactive, learning experiences, is designed to supplement class-room teaching about the causes, events, and outcomes of the Civil War. Civil War Field Day currently attracts more than 600 students who, upon arrival at the museums, divide into small groups and rotate through out the day among 12 - 18 learning stations dedicated to a wide range of living history presentations. Many members of the Civil War Round Table of the Mid-Ohio Valley have supported this event as living history presenters, character reenactors, or volunteers who coordinate and guide school groups from learning station to learning station.
Past and Current Volunteers
Steve Ball, Columbus OH: Civil War Music
Bill Beardsley, Billy Beardsley and Jennifer Miller, Waterford OH: Civil War Artillery
Justin Bomer
Robert Brugler, Columbus OH: President Lincoln
Scott Britton, Marietta OH: Soldiers from the Mid-Ohio Valley
Carlin’s Battery D, Parkersburg WV: Artillery Demonstration
Keith Cowdery
Jessica Cyders, Athens OH: Vivandiere
Jeffery W. Danner, M.A., Marietta OH: Henry Clay
Laura Fannelle, Athens OH: Sanitary Commission Volunteer
Andrew Francis, Marietta OH:
Cathy Hinkle, Paden City WV: Ladies on the Homefront
Roger Hoff: Underground Railroad
Brian Kesterson, Parkersburg WV: Civil War Artifacts
Charles Miller
Norman Pape, Marietta OH: Civil War Artillery
Bill Reynolds, Marietta OH: Ohio Squirrel Hunters
Eric Saho: Dismounted Cavalry
Payton Seats
Don Sherman, Beaver WV:
Glenn Wolfe and Mary Jo Hutchinson, Marietta OH: Civil War Hospital
Kyle Yoho, Marietta: Military Drill
Jane Young, Marietta OH: Civil War Nurse